Watch the Running Film “Human Powered”

“Human Powered” by Matt Cecill is a 20-minute film showcasing the emotions and physical feats of ultrarunning.

By on January 12, 2022 | Comments

Last month, we featured Matt Cecill’s incredible photo gallery titled “Human Endurance” that shared the emotions and physical feats of a number of races in the Pacific Northwest of North America. This week, we’re sharing one of Cecill’s films, “Human Powered,” which was filmed during the 2018 Finlayson Arm Races, held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

“Human Powered” was selected for a number of film festivals, and should have toured with the Trails in Motion film tour prior to its cancellation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cecill told iRunFar a bit about his filmmaking process.

“This film is basically a love letter from me to race directors and volunteers. Over the years, through running, photograph, and film, I’ve spent countless days at ultramarathons. In leaving these events, I always find myself with a heart filled with the love, dedication, and community that are flowing through them. My goal was to translate this feeling into a film — to showcase the spirit of the ultra community and what makes it so special to all of us.”

The beautifully shot 20-minute film brings viewers into the rugged and beautiful landscape of British Columbia, interviews with athletes over the days leading up to the race, and runners pushing their way through the night, convinced to leave aid stations again and again, ever forward through the incredible autumn colors of Canada. Take a look and be inspired!

Alex Potter
Alex Potter is a contributor and former editor at iRunFar. Following a nearly decade-long hiatus from running after college, she has found a new love in trail running. As a photojournalist, Alex has reported throughout the Middle East and East Africa for publications like 'National Geographic,' 'The New York Times,' and 'The Washington Post.'